Rabindra Basnet
Consultant Physiotherapist
Rabindra Basnet, MPT is practicing consultant Physiotherapist with primary specialty interest in musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries. He is Consultant Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at HAMS Hospital (hamshospital.com), Kathmandu.
Previously he was Chief Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation at Yashoda Superspeciality Hospital, Delhi NCR (www.yashodahospital.org). He had also worked in Jaipur Holden Hospital, Rohini, Delhi (www.jghdelhi.net).
He is an Aerobics/Group Fitness Instructor certified by Indian Academy of Fitness Training.He had attended different workshop such as Physiotherapy Techniques in Critical Care Patient, Stroke Rehabilitation, Management of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo,Taping Techniques in Sports &Orthopedic Conditions, PNF, Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation, Neuromuscular Conditions and FES, Mobilization of Nervous System Etc.
He had also worked as a Physiotherapist in various district and state level tournament in India such as Ranji Trophy, Cooch Vihar Trophy Etc
He lives with his family in Kathmandu. He plays Badminton and Bicycling.