Dr. Murari Raj Upreti
Chief Consultant & Head of Anesthesiology.
Dr Murari Raj Upreti, MD is practicing Senior Consultant Anesthesiologist with primary speciality interest in Cardiac Anesthesia. He is Chief Consultant Anesthesiologist & Head of the Department of Anesthesia at HAMS Hospital (hamshospital.org), Kathmandu. He did his Fellowship in Cardiac Anesthesia from University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Canada. He is the First Cardiac Anesthesiologist in the country.
Previously he was Chief Consultant Anesthesiologist & Head of the Department of Anesthesia at Grande International Hospital since its inception (grandehospital.com). He dedicated his initial days at Shahid Ganglal National Heart Center as Cardiac Anaesthesiologist and served there for 12 years playing pivotal role in thedevelopment and growth of Cardiac Surgical Care in the country.