Dr. Bhaskar Raj Pant
Chief Consultant
Bhaskar Raj Pant, MD is practicing Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon with primary specialty interest in Joint Replacement, Reconstruction and Trauma. He is Chief Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon & Head of the Department , Department of Orthopedics at HAMS Hospital, Kathmandu.
Previously he was Assistant Director, Joint Replacement & Sports Medicine at the Grande International Hospital (grandehospital.com). He is Board Member at POSSIBLE (possiblehealth.org) and oversees Rural Trauma Care at POSSIBLE Hospitals in Bayalpata, Acham & Charikot, Dolakha.
He did his Fellowship in Joint Replacement & Sports from Cincinnati, USA. He had his Advanced Course in Joint Replacement from Fribourg, Switzerland and Knee Fellowship from Tohoku University, Japan. He had Advanced AO Trauma from Thailand and Global Health Delivery course from Harvard University, USA.
He is an International Affiliate Member of SICOT (International Society of Orthopedic Surgery & Traumatology), OTA (Orthopedic Trauma Association), AO Trauma and SIGN (Surgical Implant Generation Network). He is Co-founder of National Musculo-Skeletal Charity & Research Foundation, Nepal. He is National Commissioner for The LANCET Nepal NCD-I Poverty Commission. He is Treasurer for Arthroscopy Society of Nepal.
He lives with his family in Kathmandu. He plays Badminton and Bicycling.